Ahhhh...scampi goodness indeed. I had all intentions of learning to make the husband's famous shrimp scampi last night, but really, why mess with perfection? It was delectable as usual and well, I can always learn next time.
After dishes, laundry, and general housewifely duties were done this morning I decided to get out of the house, it is a beautiful sunny day in St. Petersburg with a high of 71, joyous, truly joyous weather. I am waiting for the husband to meet me here at the Nola Cafe in downtown St. Pete, there is a shrimp po'boy with my name on it or maybe red beans and rice or maybe both hmmm...decisions.
I am feeling very optimistic today like I may have possibly experienced an "Aha Moment" as Oprah would say. Yes, that's right, might as well put it out there now, I love Oprah, I watch her show, I read her magazine (thanks to my sister's yearly Christmas gift, thanks sissy!), and I am a proud member of her book club. A person once called me an "Oprah Lemming", I think they meant it as an insult, but honestly there is no shame in my game. I see nothing wrong with Oprah or her empire, she's educational, entertaining, one hell of an entrepreneur and an amazing philanthropist. So, hell if I could learn just a little bit of what Oprah puts out there to the universe to achieve her success, then yes, I will gladly follow her off a cliff!
It is now after lunch and both the red beans and rice and the shrimp po'boy won out, therefore I bid adieu to my husband and took my unemployed self for a walk in the park. I mean who else gets to do this? I brought my camera along with me today and "played tourist" as I walked along the waterfront.
It's amazing the things you can do when you aren't spending eight hours rotting away behind a desk or in a cubby hole. Not to get all metaphysical and stuff, but just being in the sunshine, listening to the water, and breathing in the salty air, had the same effect as an hour of yoga (without the worry of flatulence or injury).
The Vinoy stands in it's classic grandeur looking out towards the water, reminding me of...reminding me of...when I used to have a job there. Crap. Why is everything reminding me of work? That's right I worked at the Vinoy in their Resort Shop many moons ago, one of the many stops in my colorful employment history. I loathed that job, selling IZOD shirts and cigars to the men and Brighton accessories and high-end designer "resortwear" to the women. I would be rich if I had a penny for every implant and Botox injection that came through that door. They say the place is haunted, I don't doubt it, probably by the ghosts of facelifts past...it was definitely creepy.
Are you all glad the weekend is here? I am, and not because I have a job or anything and I've been working like a dog all week, but because it means I get to spend time with the husband and kiddo [insert small sappy "awwwww" here]. As far as what we have planned for the rest of the weekend, I see walking involved, lots and lots of walking (as I ponder those last bites of po'boy and red beans and rice).
Remember, when in doubt...order both!
(and next time save room for the beignets...)
The Unemployed Housewife
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