They say you have good days and bad days when you are unemployed. I'm pretty sure yesterday was a bad day. This economy is rough. I think I have submitted over 50 resumes to positions that I qualify for...and nothing, not even a peep. It it quite disheartening, I am usually the upbeat glass is half full kinda gal, but as I approach the one month mark of being unemployed, it becomes harder to stay chipper. I don't think I have ever been unemployed for this length of time, I think the max amount of time I took off between positions was 2 weeks. One month and counting...I just keep telling myself the longer I have to wait the more rewarding the opportunity will be when I finally get a phone call and I WILL get a phone call :)
In other news the kiddo returned home on Sunday evening and now life is complete again. For those of you who may not know I am also a stepmom. The kiddo has spent every other week with us since she was 5 years old and I miss her terribly the weeks that she is not with us. She is 14 now going on 24...and although these teenage years have been to say the least "interesting" so far, she is overall the best kid ever! I can't believe she will be going in to high school next year and getting her learners permit...ugh. Husband is already planning on ways to scare off potential scuzzballs (aka young suitors). Every night we eat dinner together and I think it is my favorite part of the day, there is always laughing, snorting, and sometimes very humorous critiquing of the meal...last night I made Julia's version of "French Hamburgers w/Cream"...at first the kiddo was like "Ewwww...creamy hamburgers!", but it satiated all of our palates quite pleasantly I will boast...and it was asked to be a repeat guest on our dinner menu! On the schedule this evening we will be attending her school's basketball game to watch her cheer, and then we have already planned to play LIFE while watching American Idol after dinner (whatever that may turn out to be tonight!).
Now, I must get ready to attend the first day of my last class at USF. Hallelujah! The end is in sight! Graduation is just around the corner. Wish me luck as this class has a rough reputation...Experimental Design and Analysis. Pretty much statistics on steroids.
May your glass always be half full!
The Unemployed Housewife
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