I just turned 35 a couple of weeks ago and I know by all means that 35 is not "old", but to a teenager it seems ancient. Lately, I have been involved in many conversations regarding the immaturity and behavior or our younger population. Words like "entitlement, disrespect, spoiled, and rude" are thrown about, is this younger population really that different than we were? Isn't it by nature that teenagers and young adults are self-centered? I honestly think I was 25 before I realized that the world did not revolve around me! Is it only that now our perspective has changed?

Are we now the ones complaining about loud music, crazy wardrobe choices, and purple hair? I find myself muttering about kids running through our yard, speeding down our street, not holding doors open in public places, forgetting to say, "please, thank you, and you're welcome" and only one word comes to mind...curmudgeon. I have become curmudgeonly! When the hell did this happen?
Regardless, it needs to stop. I don't want to find myself down the road waving my cane at the youngsters, preaching about respect, the "good ole days" and eventually becoming that grouchy old lady that never gives out candy at Halloween and has 10 cats...ugh, I shudder to think of it (well, maybe just 3 cats...). So, even though I know my feathers will become ruffled and I will find it hard to stifle my frustration, I vow to give them a break, refrain from gawking at a face full of piercings, or a tattoo across the forehead, because we were all teenage rebels in our own way. We all had our trends, our "hip" new styles, slang, and attitudes. We were cool. We were unique, and hell, we still are!
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