It's Saturday night and things were going good...right up until they went completely downhill. Let's back up a bit shall we?
Rewind to this morning...perfectly relaxing breakfast together, lovely afternoon shopping, decadent Saturday afternoon nap, then primp and ready for a lovely evening out, what could go wrong? We chose a great restaurant for dinner, a place we've been to a handful of times, feeling good, looking fine, lively convo...then the appetizer arrived. Holy jalapenos! My mouth was on fire, but yet I managed to laugh and swathe my mouth in sweet tea to calm the burn and keep on smiling. Entree time, I ordered a salad with grilled chicken, simple right? Nowhere on the menu did it mention that said salad would contain a cup of chopped red onion, I despise onion. I would have noticed this detail had it been mentioned in the salad description, ok fine. No problem. I will just pick the pieces of chopped onion out of the salad, this only takes 15 minutes which is long enough for the husband to finish his meal and begin to peer at me curiously, this frustrated me, I was then officially annoyed. I salvaged what I could out of the salad and pushed it aside, I did not cause a scene, I did not tell the waiter, I was just peeved. Meanwhile, the husband's gaze on me had changed from that of "curious" to that of "I'm looking at a crazy person", this annoyed me further. I then managed to spill tea on myself, which fueled a smile and giggle from the husband which only absolutely infuriated me...and I said, "You can go to the bathroom now and laugh at me in there instead of in my face!", yes...I know, harsh, I blew it, I was irritated, hungry, and was now sporting a red onion scent about my person.
He goes to the bathroom, he comes back, I could tell things had changed. We pay the bill in silence, we get in the car, I say, "Where are we going now?", he says, "Home". Great, my onion breath and I have ruined the evening...I suggest instead of going home that we check out a new venue that just opened, still desperately trying to save the evening. We park, we enter said venue, 80's metal is loud, we find the bar, we order a drink, he's still not smiling, looks mad, I'm starting to think they might hire him as a bouncer...I ask the inevitable "What's wrong?", and things get worse. We cash out our tab after the first drinks and go home. Now we are both sulking in our separate corners and I have now blogged it out...sigh. Time to do what all married people do when they really love each other...grab the listerine, banish the red onion taste still residing in my mouth, then go kiss and makeup! Wish me luck...