Yes, I know it has been awhile…
It seems that I have been experiencing some type of writers block or maybe it is just sheer laziness or it could be that my 40 hour a week job has just sucked the creative juices right out of me. A friend of mine suggested that my lack of motivation for my writing is due to the fact that I am utilizing the strengths of my left brain all day, and now that I’m back at work in spreadsheet-ville my artsy creative right brain is feeling sad and neglected, and I think she is right.
Even now I’m finding it hard to focus on my writing, but this could also be because I have a giggly 14-year old sitting at the computer next to me laughing hysterically every time she sets a house on fire in her Sims game…did you know that you can commit murder in these games? She even has urns and a cemetery, very morbid indeed.
Okay, so I am now continuing this blog several days after I started it, see what I mean? Total lack of concentration and motivation when it comes to my writing anymore. So, I am taking the advice of a good friend and just writing for the sake of writing even if it all just turns out to be crap at least I’m pouring out some thoughts in the written form. I’m thinking of renaming the blog so that the title encompasses something more solid and not fleeting like employment. I think I’m going to go with a spin off of Oprah’s “The Things I know for Sure!” except mine would be “The things I don’t know for sure…are absolutely everything!” I’m still struggling with it; I want the title to purvey a sense of smallness, the idea that what we really know of this world is absolutely nothing. For all we know we are the “virus” a la War of the Worlds style taking over a cell (our planet) in a vastness that makes up something entirely different that our tiny little brains can’t even fathom…lost yet? I am.
Or maybe a title completely off-the-wall, like “Cheshire Cat Thoughts and Good Cheese”. If I read a title like that it would catch my eye. Makes one wonder exactly what a Cheshire cat would think and how exactly it relates to cheese good or bad.
Disclaimer: No I am not on any medication over-the-counter or prescribed at this time; this is just stream of consciousness writing at its peek form.

On that note, I’m going to bed to ponder “Cheshire Cat Thoughts and Good Cheese”; it’s kinda growing on me!
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